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non perishable edibles

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Non-Perishable Edibles


Non-Perishable Edibles


When it comes to cannabis edibles, the options seem endless. From chewy gummies and decadent chocolates to infused snacks and even beverages, there's something for every cannabis lover's taste.

But while these edibles are a delicious and fun way to consume cannabis, one question tends to pop up pretty frequently for us — how do you store your products to ensure they stay fresh, potent, and safe to eat? Better yet, how do you keep them fresh for long periods of time?

Don't worry — we've got you covered. Here we're going to explore how long different types of edibles last, what causes cannabis edibles to degrade, how to store your edibles, and whether refrigeration is necessary. Plus, we'll offer some best practices for keeping your edibles safe, fresh, and potent for months at a time.

So let's start by breaking down the concept of "edibles" into component types and talking shelf lives.

How Long Do Different Types of Edibles Last?

This might seem kind of obvious, but one of the biggest factors in determining how long your cannabis edibles can last is the type of edible you're storing. The ingredients used, the packaging, and the storage conditions are all going to play a role in determining shelf life, though. With that in mind, here's a breakdown of the shelf life of some common cannabis edibles.

Gummies and Candies

Cannabis-infused gummies and candies, which are some of the most popular cannabis edibles out there, typically have a shelf life of around six to 12 months. Gummies are typically made with gelatin or pectin, both of which help maintain their consistency and texture for a relatively long time. As long as they're stored in a cool, dry place and kept away from light, these can stay fresh for up to a year without any significant degradation in terms of potency or overall integrity.


Cannabis-infused chocolates also have a decent shelf life of about 6 to 12 months, but this can depend on the quality of the chocolate and any other ingredients like fillings or coatings. Dark chocolate tends to last longer than milk chocolate, as it has fewer ingredients that could spoil. The chocolate should be kept in an airtight container and stored in a cool, dark place to prevent melting or flavor degradation.

Baked Goods

Cannabis-infused hand-made baked goods have a much shorter shelf life compared to gummies and chocolates, mainly due to the perishable ingredients they contain, such as butter, eggs, and milk. These edibles typically last 5 to 7 days if stored at room temperature. If you want to extend their shelf life, refrigeration or freezing is recommended. Otherwise, they may go stale or develop mold.


Cannabis-infused beverages, such as teas, sodas, or tinctures, generally have a shelf life of around six months if unopened and stored properly. Once opened, they should be consumed within a few days to prevent degradation or contamination. Beverages with dairy or other perishable ingredients should be stored in the refrigerator to ensure they don't spoil.

Infused Snacks

Infused snacks like cannabis chips or crackers typically have a shelf life of around 6 to 12 months as well. These products usually have a lower moisture content than baked goods or beverages, which helps preserve them for a longer time. They should be stored in a cool, dry place to prevent them from becoming stale or soggy, though.

What Causes Cannabis Edibles to Degrade?

Like all food products, cannabis edibles are susceptible to degradation over time. Several factors contribute to this process, which can affect both the potency and the flavor of your edibles. There are four main culprits when it comes to edibles degrading to keep in mind.


Exposure to heat is one of the biggest culprits in the degradation of cannabis edibles. Heat can cause cannabinoids like THC and CBD to break down, reducing their potency and effectiveness. When stored at high temperatures, edibles can also change texture, leading to soft or melted candies or dried-out baked goods. So yeah, we don't recommend keeping your gummies in your glove box on a summer day.


Cannabis is known for being sensitive to light, especially ultraviolet rays. When exposed to light, particularly over long periods, THC and CBD can degrade, which reduces the potency of your edibles. For this reason, it's always best to store your cannabis products in opaque containers or in a dark space to shield them from light exposure. Your refrigerator is a good option, but more on that in just a second.


Exposure to air, especially oxygen, can dry out cannabis edibles or cause them to become stale. Over time, air can also slowly break down cannabinoids, leading to a decrease in the edibles' potency. To prevent this, it's essential to store edibles in airtight containers and zip up the baggies a lot of them come in.


Moisture is the final enemy of your edibles. Too much humidity can cause edibles to soften, develop mold, or become soggy. It can also interact with the ingredients in your edibles, leading to off flavors and compromised texture. We're not sure why you would, but don't store your gummies in the bathroom, even if you want a shower time treat.

So with these four factors in mind, let's move on to talk about proper storage to keep your edibles safe and happy for a long, long time.

How Should I Store My Edibles?

Proper storage is essential for keeping your cannabis edibles fresh, potent, and safe to eat. To maintain the best quality, there are a few general guidelines you should follow:

Use Airtight Containers

The best way to protect your edibles from air, moisture, and light is by storing them in airtight containers. Glass jars with airtight seals or vacuum-sealed bags are excellent options. These containers help preserve the texture, flavor, and potency of your edibles for extended periods.

Store in a Cool, Dry Place

Cannabis edibles should be stored in a cool, dry place, such as a pantry or cupboard. Avoid areas that get too hot, like above the stove or in direct sunlight. Remember, heat can degrade the cannabinoids and spoil your edibles. Similarly, don't store them in humid environments, as excessive moisture can lead to mold growth and deterioration.

Protect from Light

To prevent light from breaking down the cannabinoids, store your edibles in opaque containers or in dark areas. If you don't have any opaque containers handy, wrapping edibles in foil or placing them in a dark box or drawer can provide added protection. The original packaging usually does the trick, too.

Avoid Temperature Fluctuations

Temperature fluctuations can cause edibles to become stale or change texture. Try to keep your edibles at a consistent temperature — ideally between 60° to 70°. Avoid storing them in places where they could be exposed to extreme cold or heat, such as near windows, appliances, or… we don't know… out in the garage. Again, why would you? We don't know. But that's not where they go.

Where should they go, then? Glad you asked.

Do Edibles Need to Be Refrigerated?

While some cannabis edibles need to be refrigerated, others can be safely stored at room temperature for extended periods. Let's first take a look at the "need to" cases.

If your edibles contain perishable ingredients like dairy, eggs, or fresh fruit, refrigeration is recommended. This includes products like cannabis-infused brownies, cookies, cakes, and certain candies that may have fillings — typically these are hand-made and purchased from a dispensary.

If you live in a particularly warm climate, it's also a good idea to refrigerate your edibles to prevent melting or degradation caused by heat. Chocolates and gummies, in particular, are susceptible to becoming gooey in hot temperatures.

Cannabis edibles that don't contain perishable ingredients, though, like gummies, hard candies, and infused snacks, generally don't need refrigeration. These edibles can usually be stored in airtight containers at room temperature without compromising their quality.

More Tips for Properly Storing Edibles

Alright. Now that you have a really good idea about where you should store your edibles and why, we're going to give you a few additional tips to help ensure everything stays fresh and potent.

Label Your Edibles

If you're storing different types of edibles or homemade cannabis products, it's a good idea to label them with the date of preparation or purchase. This way, you'll know how long they've been stored and when they're likely to expire. It's especially useful if you have multiple batches of homemade edibles.

Consider Freezing for Long-Term Storage

If you have a large quantity of cannabis edibles and don't plan to eat them anytime soon, freezing them is a great option. Freezing can help preserve the potency and freshness of your edibles for months or even longer. Just make sure they're stored in airtight, freezer-safe containers to prevent freezer burn. And here's another bonus tip — for easy access, portion out individual servings before freezing. That way, you're not thawing and refreezing everything for just one afternoon session.

Keep an Eye on Expiration Dates

If you're purchasing pre-packaged edibles, be sure to check the expiration dates before storing them. While cannabis doesn't spoil in the same way fresh food does, some ingredients in edibles will have a shelf life that may limit their freshness over time. Always check before consuming — few things are nastier than eating spoiled food.

Avoid Storing Edibles with Strong-Smelling Foods

Cannabis edibles can easily absorb odors from their surroundings. For example, if you chuck your cannabis gummies into the crisper next to the onion you're going to use next week, those edibles may end up tasting a little funky. Keep them in a neutral-smelling area to preserve their original flavor profile.

Keep Edibles Out of Reach of Children and Pets

This should go without saying, but make sure your edibles are only accessible to people who should have access to edibles. These products often look like regular candy, which can make them highly appealing to children. Always store edibles in childproof containers and keep them out of reach. Consider placing them in a locked box or in a separate, secure area of your home. A nightstand or dresser drawer is a good idea.

Final Thoughts: The Best Non-Perishable Edibles for Long-Term Storage

For those who want to keep a stash of cannabis edibles on hand without worrying about spoilage, non-perishable options like gummies, candies, and infused snacks are the best choice for long-term storage. With proper care, these edibles can last up to a year or more, allowing you to enjoy their benefits next Christmas if you feel like it.

Just make sure you're using the best practices outlined above — using airtight containers, keeping edibles away from heat and light, and storing them at the proper temperature — you can keep your cannabis edibles fresh, potent, and delicious for as long as possible. So stock up, store smart, and enjoy your edibles at their peak potency, no matter when you're ready to indulge!
By Explore Sherpa



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